
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Dump-Day - Rooster Window

Good morning junkers...I'm Mr. Dump!

Sarah has had such a fun time blogging, that I decided I would jump in on some of the action.  I recently went to her with an idea in mind, and my only demands (which were more like softly spoken requests) were that I be allowed to do this edit-free and without any suggestions.  She agreed (hesitantly), and thought it might add a different dimension for her friends that follow along in our adventures.

I will be running a series of posts that occur every Wednesday.  These posts will often give a more intimate, behind-the-scenes approach to life as a Dumped and Discovered addict.  Most will be project related, while others full of mistakes and blunders.  So in an attempt to mock the ever-so-infamous "Hump-Day," I bring to you: 

Dump-Day with Mr. Dump

Today's project:  Rooster Window

Don't mind the crazy shenanigans behind the glass, I'd like for you to focus your attention on the actual window!

Old windows are fantastic and often look great on their own.  Being that I NEVER leave anything alone (I think it has something to do with being an only child), I had to tamper...

Prior to this rooster project, I thought old windows would make a great table:

The table turned out somewhat sturdy, but what was I thinking with that GREEN?  Needless to say, this didn't make the cut and has been sitting in our garage ever since.

Back to the project at hand...a Rooster Window...

I've always had a slight talent for drawing/tracing cartoon characters (yes mother, this talent is from you), so I decided I would try to draw and paint a rooster on the window.  I HAVE to look at something to draw it, so I found a website that children frequent to color pictures.  For this project, I chose Rooster 2

I started by drawing on the glass of the window with a red dry-erase marker.  Project Note:  Draw on the "pretty" side of the window that you want to display.  If you're not an artist, don't worry!!!!  Find a picture that you like, save it to a removable disk/USB, and go to your closest Staples or Office Max.  They will print the picture as large as you want it.  Then you can put it under the window and TRACE!!!!

 After you finish drawing, flip the window over and this is what it will look like.

Next, I took a paint brush (the smaller the better) and traced the dry-erase marker with a black, latex paint (it took two coats).  Project Note:  If you mess up...grab a razor blade!!!!  The paint will scrape right off!  

Your window should now look something like this (notice the red marker behind it).

Turn the window over (back to the "pretty" side), and with a wet rag, wipe off the dry-erase marker.  Now your window should resemble something like this.

Now flip the window again.  It's time to add some color!!!!!  Project Note:  If you're not sure what colors you want to use, go back and test out your coloring combinations on the website mentioned above.

I went to our local craft store, and picked up some window paint.  For windows, I prefer this over latex paint because it gives your project a little more depth, a little more gloss, and a little more AWESOME!  Here is what I purchased:

Finally...I started painting (I'd like to thank Sarah for capturing me in perfect form...and for not capturing my bald spot)!!!  Project Note:  It will probably take you two coats.  Paint with the darker colors first!

Finally, your window is complete!  Now doesn't this look better than a green table?

Happy Junkin'!!!

Mr. Dump


  1. Pretty cool, Mr. Dumped! I know where you can get some live chicken models for your next project...I'll introduce you on your next visit to Davis Run.

    1. Hi, Nancy! It's good to hear from you! I'd love to check out our live chickens...

      I'm super excited about the Maple Festival this year! Tell Robin hello for us!

  2. Great job drawing and painting in your rooster. I've so far been unsuccessful finding an old window! Soon as I keep looking!

    1. Don't give up, Terri! Try and look up a salvage yard in your area! It's amazing how many old windows and doors you'll find (and cheap)!

  3. Awesome job, I have an old window lounging as we speak on my porch just waiting for inspiration to strike. Now to clean it up and get to painting!

    1. Please share your window with us when you finish! Glad to be an inspiration! Thanks for following!

  4. I think I want to write a book for kids..... Dump Day with Mr. Dump! If I saw that title you can be sure I'd buy it for my kids.

    If you're gonna enter this wild world of women bloggers could you take off your shirt for a few of the photos each time? Most of our eye candy comes in colors other than flesh.


    1. If you wrote the book...I would love to try and illustrate it for you! :)

      Thanks for making me laugh today. The last thing you'd want to see, is me with my shirt off...TRUST ME!!!

  5. Ahhhh... now I have some idea for the dozens of windows I have squirreled away in our attic!! Great job...on both the window and the blog post!

  6. Very cool Mr. Dump! I love old windows and doors. You can do so many things with them!

    1. They are very versatile! Just stay away from green tables!!! :)

  7. I would say that you have more than a little talent. Your window would fit into my chicken collection perfectly, But I suppose that I will have to do it myself, but thanks to your tut it should be doable.

  8. Thanks, Marti! Sarah stole this from me and put in our booth at the Sleepy Poet. So if you don't want to do it yourself, you could drive there and get it...(I'll make sure she cuts you a deal). Do you live near Charlotte, NC?

  9. Well, well, well. Mr. Dump is alive. Interesting, as he has failed to call his sister-in-law since she missed out on a free mantle on Craigslist for the business. Good to know you're still kicking, Mr. Dump, even if you refuse to take my calls anymore. THERE WILL BE OTHER FREE MANTLES, I PROMISE!

    By the way, should I stop using this space as another form of email to you and Sarah, since you have so many fabulous followers now? Really? Are you sure?

    I think you know how I feel about the rooster - it's fab!! I saw it in person, fellow followers, and it is so realistic that I started to worry it would wake me up early in the morning.....

    1. Lola!!! I promise I'll answer my phone when you call it! There WILL be other mantles...if only you had a truck.

      Don't stop leaving us comments! We love it when you share your thoughts, trials, and tribulations! Speaking of do you feel about guest blogging? I'm thinking of "The Thursday Thrifter with Lola"!!! What do you think?

  10. This is awesome! Just found your blog and am hooked. There goes washing the dishes.

    1. Thanks for following along! The dishes can wait!!

  11. Oh WOW, this is fabulous!! I just found you on Time Travel Thursday with Liz!!! I'm you newest follower--nice to meet you!!!

    1. Nice to meet you, too! Thanks for following along!

  12. Very cute!! There are so many things to do with old windows. I love to see all of the creative uses. Thanks for sharing.

  13. The rooster and window caught my eye on Liz's Time Travel Thursday. I have a window on a wall that I absolutely love and wish I had more. I kinda liked the green window table. But I really love the rooster window. It took me a minute or so to acclimate to who was speaking since this is the first time I've come by this blog. Aha! Got it. Very good post. Enjoyed my visit. Now I'm going to go meet the dumps. :)

  14. You are so clever!! Thanks for the information on how to do this -- it turned out lovely!!

  15. I am in Rooster/Window heaven. I LOVE it. My blog is The Messy Roost, boy, would that go good here - ha ha. Great job.


  16. Seriously awesome! Love it! Visiting from Freckled Laundry party. With love, My

  17. This seriously rocks!! I love it!

    New follower

  18. What a fun project! I love the tip to have a picture blown up and trace it onto the window. Thanks for linking this up to Before & After. I actually found your blog last week and joined!

  19. Will you come live by me? You seem to have the most awesome luck!! And artistic skills!!!

  20. Mrs. Dump is so lucky to have a handy hubby like yourself. You rock.

  21. Wow!!! This is so cool. Although I would have freaked out a little cause it looks like you are painting the floor...LOL! :P THanks for linking it up!

  22. Thank you for sharing your wonderful project at Potpourri Friday!

  23. oh my gosh! your rooster is stunning! I'm in love. Did you know that Oprah has roosters (not real, lol) all over her kitchen? I guess she loves them just like us!

    I hope you don't mind but I'm trying to get the word out...
    If you are worried about the fact that google friend connect is being discontinued even eventually for blogger blogs then please come read my latest blog post, I'm trying to get the info out there about MR. LINKY'S new FOLLOWER tool!! Yes, the same guy who wrote the cool linky tool has now put out a FREE Follower tool!! Come on over and read all about it.
    Jennifer McLean from

  24. amazing! Mister, you rock!! Happy week.

  25. What a great window! You did a wonderful job, and the tutorial was very easy to follow. Thanks a bunch fior that!! Can't wait to browse your blog a bit more to see what you guys have been up to.

  26. I love the rooster. Thanks so much for linking this up at Doggone Dirty Craftin last week. Can't wait to see what you have for this thursday!

  27. Wow, this looks amazing. Great post. I am looking forward to seeing you at My Dream Canvas.

  28. Nice to meet you Mr Dump! Love this project - I'm impressed at your rooster drawing skills!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a fabulous week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  29. Hi I'm a new follower, found you via It's Overflowing blog. I so love this window and have the perfect wall for it in my rooster filled kitchen! -_^
    Your drawing skills are awesome; I'd have to trace for sure. lol Hope you'll stop by
    and check out my rooster kitchen and paint projects, past and pending. Thanks for sharing and I look forward to seeing your future projects. Thanks, Barbe

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Thanks so much for the detailed directions, great job!
    I have 6 old windows to create this inspires me! lol

  32. wow that turned out so well! what an artist you are!

  33. Pretty cool for a person called Mr. Dumped! Great deets, but I tell you as much as I love this I will never give it a try. SO here's hoping you might make a few and send me one. Really very pretty, I love it. Thanks for sharing you creative inspiration at Sunday's Best Par.tay

  34. thats a great way to recycle the window pane! love the rooster :-)

  35. Great job, Mr. Dump! Although if my hubby asked to post on my blog "edit free and without any suggestions" there would be trouble. ;)

    Thanks for linking to Time Travel Thursday. I hope you'll join the fun each week. Be sure to stop by this week, and see yourself featured.

    Liz @ The Brambleberry Cottage

  36. What a cute and original way to use an old window.

  37. Very cool! I'm following now too (both Linky followers and GFC.)

  38. Very cute. I wished I lived near you ~ I'd have you do one for me. :)

  39. Old windows are awesome and then you added that cool much fun!

  40. Love to habitat to find an old window...

  41. thanks for sharing that gave me some good ideas

  42. Thank you! Will this paint hold up outdoors? I have been "volunteered" to paint an old window for a fundraiser. I'm in Florida with hot, wet weather and the window is large so I think most people would prefer to hang it outdoors.
